Thursday, February 9, 2012

The lovely art of knitting (an early Valentine's present)

When I was just a little girl, my mum used to teach me some lovely useful and creative things. For the art of handwork she is the best person I have ever known. She taught me everything from knitting, embroidery, crochet to pointlace and sewing. I have always liked doing something with my hands, especially if that something is girly and pretty. All my Barbie dolls had pretty unique wardrobe I must say. :) Since then, the only thing that has changed has been the absence of time I had on my hand because of school, university, and later on work. 

However, last December, my boo and I were walking down Zmaj Jovina Street and we saw a beautiful wool scarf. Even though it was branded, it looked like it was knitted manually. So, as a good GF, I promised him to make him a similar scarf. Of course, I told him a lot earlier that I'm very good at handwork. I really am, but years have passed since I did my last jumper. Firstly, I had troubles with finding good wool because it's not so trendy nowadays to knit things. What nonsense! It took me almost a month to find the shades I wanted, and here they are:

(with the book I'm currently reading)

(this would make a nice present for someone, e.g. me:)

The knitting itself is not very difficult, but it would help you if you had someone older to show you. As you know, young desperate housewives can barely stitch a button. They don't show it on Big Brother, so how can they know that, for God's sake? ;) Orrr, you could consult YouTube on that: 

All in all, this is my final result with the intermediate phases. I hope you will appreciate it and like it as my boo did.

(I'm a nerd, I knoow:))

(I'm nearly there:)

(I'm fiiinisheddd:))

(I'm ready to be given)

Happy BF <3

Till next time!



  1. odlična relaksacija zimi, a i korisno od toga ispadne što god da napraviš :)

  2. evo jedan kiss od onog happy bf sa slike :*

  3. Ha-ha-ha, Ivi, ne verujem! Nisam znala za te tvoje vestine :)) U svakom slucaju, sal je divan, a ja dolazim na casove! :))

    1. Eh, M, cek' da vidis sta sve znam! Imacemo casove, nego sta. Nikada ja necu zaboraviti moju blog uciteljicu, nikada, nikada! :))

  4. Hvala puno! Drago mi je da ti se svidja. :)

  5. Toliko toga sam sebi obecala da cu nauciti u toku zime, a nista od toga nisam ispunila! Kako se covek po ovakvom vremenu olenji, to je neverovatno :)

  6. Oh, I tried knitting when I was younger, but it wasn't really my thing. It's fun though ;)
    Joanna from

    PS.Please take a look at my outfits and follow me if you like my fashion blog ;)

    1. Thank you for your comment. You're sweet.

